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Drake Debuted #VIEWS And It's KILLER!

Now, in the face of #LEMONADE, it's not a classic or game changer in that sense and if you ask me, he coulda cut it down to 15 songs or so, but it's a very solid album with some killer lines ("6 upside down, it's a 9 now"), deep insights into himself ("If I loved you before, I still love you, it's just how I was raisd") and damn he can flow!!

Not to mention...the Toronto references...uh, hello...#WestonRoadFlows anyone?

It seems like the further he got in life and his career, the closer he got to home and #VIEWS shows that.

Here are some reactions from Twitter.

Not even I am immune to Drake's powers.

Listening to Drake's music, I alternate between crying and's like a non-stop life review. It's cathartic.

Thanks Drake.


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