Ken BryanNov 5, 20151 minVictoria Beckham wins Luxury Brand of the Year at the annual Walpole British Luxury Awards.“As an independent British brand, I am humbled to be here among so many big names." Walpole, which promotes British luxury brands, counts...
Ken BryanNov 5, 20151 minThe most prestigous watches in the world!"Lady Compliquée Peacock" by Fabergé. Price on request. "The Charming Bird" by Jaquet Droz. $500,000 (£323,400). "Diamond Punk" by...
Ken BryanNov 4, 20151 minHyundai is going after Lexus and Mercedes with a luxury brand of its ownSouth Korean carmaker Hyundai Motor Co confirmed on Wednesday it will launch a new global luxury car brand called Genesis, targeting...
Ken BryanMar 25, 20141 minGATDAMN: Burberry Releases $100,000.00 Alligator TrenchEvery true playa needs this in his life!